Russia Gosloto 5/36 Results for 2024-07-26


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Results Details

July 26, 2024 18:00 (GMT) / 116432

Gosloto 5/36

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You can also find detailed number statistcs in Russia Gosloto 5/36 Number Frequencies

Next Draw

Next draw date is: September 20, 2024 15:00 (2024-09-20 12:00 GMT). Follow our account in Twitter to be notified when fresh results and analysis are available. Use Gosloto 5/36 Numbers Generator to generate numbers for the next draw and test it using our Gosloto 5/36 Prediction System.

Results Checker

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Results Analysis

Click on the feature code to view feature chart.

Statistics after drawDeviationxSSDPrediction for
next draw
MEAN_M13.6715.85073.64282.18400.615.9 ± 7.3
MED_M1616.51132.47060.51130.216.5 ± 4.9
RNG_M2628.68034.81062.68030.628.7 ± 9.6
SUM_M8295.104221.856713.10420.695.1 ± 43.7
MINGAP_M21.34150.92920.65850.71.3 ± 1.9
MAXGAP_M1212.93514.06020.93510.212.9 ± 8.1
SUM_A8295.104221.856713.10420.695.1 ± 43.7

Check out detailed Gosloto 5/36 Predictions page

Analysis Explanation

After each draw we calculate values for a number of features we analyze for the game. Each feature is a random value itself and we calculate statistics for them. We calculate expected value (MEAN) and sample standard deviation (SSD). more info